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Interactive Holy Week

***Interactive Online Holy Week Services*** In the wake of the current COVID-19 Pandemic, we've had to get creative with our Holy Week services, but we are still going to celebrate the triumphant death and resurrection of our Risen Lord together, even if it is over virtual spaces!

First, on PALM SUNDAY (Apr. 05 @10:45am), we invite you to tune in on Facebook Live or later on Youtube and in the comments share a picture of you and your family holding up home-made palm fronds. You can either use the ones we sent a couple of weeks ago, or make your own out of whatever materials you have on hand! Join us as we celebrate the triumphal entry of our King into Jerusalem!

Next, on GOOD FRIDAY (Apr. 10 @6:00pm), join us for a time of reflection and worship during our Interactive Candlelight Good Friday Communion Service over Facebook Live and later uploaded to our website. This is meant to be a connective and participatory experience. If you have one of the candles and communion elements we sent out a few weeks ago, you are invited to light it during this service and share in communion with us (or you may use your own candle, bread, and grape juice).

We would also love it if you post pictures of you and your family joining us in the comments on the Facebook Live feed! Even if you aren't participating in real time and are watching later, we would still love for you to post a picture of you and your family with a lit candle. And finally, on EASTER MORNING (Apr. 12 @10:45am) we invite you to join us on Facebook live for our Easter Sunday Celebration. After the Service airs on Facebook live, it will take about an hour or so to get it uploaded to the website, but we will have it on there as well.

And in the week before Easter, Pastor Ian will email and post verses and coloring pictures that parents can stuff into Easter Eggs for their kids to hunt for and find, and then their challenge will be to put them in the right order to reconstruct the Easter story together. If you don't get an email with instructions by Monday, please PM us with your email address, so Pastor Ian can send those to you. if you are holding an Easter Egg hunt as a family, we would love for you to post pictures of you and your family hunting eggs around your house or yard together, so that we can share in the moment together and see all your wonderful faces!

We hope this experience will help you remember that, even though we may be far apart physically, we are still united in the Body of Christ through His grace and the work of the Holy Spirit.

#HolyWeek #PalmSunday #GoodFriday #Easter #CandlelightService #Communion #OnlineChurch #Nazarene

Interactive Holy Week - Insta.png
Earlier Event: March 29
Membership Class
Later Event: April 5
Interactive Palm Sunday Service