We are so excited about VBS coming up at the end of the month (Sat. Aug. 29, 10am-2pm), and we want you to have the opportunity to be a part of bringing the Gospel to kids’ lives! If you would like to help us by volunteering as a crew leader, a game leader, a craft leader, a food preparer, with setup and cleanup or as a general helper (and we’ll need lots of volunteers) please sign up on the sheet in the foyer! And we hope you’ll be able to make it to our VBS Volunteer Training Session this Tuesday, Aug. 11 at 6:30pm! #VBS #Bible #Kids #ChildrensMinistry #VacationBibleSchool #Games #Food #Crafts
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Earlier Event: August 4
Youth Group Induction for Incoming 6th Graders
Later Event: August 13
Women's Monthly Ministry Meeting